Rules for Monthly and Annual Competitions.
Section A). General Rules.
Section B). Monthly Competitions.
Section C). Annual Competitions.
Appendix A). DPI Entries.
Section A). General Rules.
DPI competitions have a separate section for Club Members and Advanced Members.
Print competitions are judged as one class, which means that Club Members and Advanced Members prints are judged collectively.
Classification of a new member as Club or Advanced would be by discussion between the member and the committee. A Club Member may opt to transfer to Advanced Member at the start of a season and must transfer to Advanced if they have won a Monthly Competition trophy in either Prints or DPIs, or have gained accreditation from the RPS, FIAP, PSA or PAGB.
Entries of prints and projected digital images shall not show the same image.
Images must be entirely the work of the Photographer. For the avoidance of doubt, use of images from any other source including, but not limited to, royalty free image banks and clipart is not permitted.
Prints may be of any size and shall be mounted on stiff boards not exceeding 500mm x 400mm. Prints shall be titled (but not bear the photographer’s name) and should be submitted in folders or envelopes that do bear the photographer’s name.
Projected images shall be in jpeg format and sized to a maximum of 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high. (See Appendix A for further details.)
Every reasonable care will be taken of the entries but neither the club nor any of its officers shall be held responsible for any damage to those entries.
Entries shall be submitted by the dates shown in the club programme. Any entries arriving after these dates will not be accepted.
The club projects digital images using a laptop, projector and screen. It is assumed that judges have the necessary equipment to view projected digital images but it is possible that their equipment may be un-calibrated. This is an issue outside of the scope of the camera club and although it may be seen as "the same for all entrants", judging might be unknowingly influenced by this problem.
Section B). Monthly Competitions.
DPI entries will be judged in two sections, Club member and Advanced Member. Prints are judged as a combined class. Each member may submit a maximum of three prints and three projected digital images in each competition. Entries may be in colour or monochrome for either category.
No entry shall be submitted in more than one monthly competition. However any monthly competition entry may also be submitted in one Annual Competition.
Entries will be marked by the judge as first, second, third, highly commended and commended. The number of entries that receive highly commended or commended is at the judge’s discretion.
If there are 6 or fewer entries, marking will be first only for 1 to 3 entries or first and second for 4 to 6 entries. The judge may also award second and third at their discretion.
Marking will be 6 points for a first, 5 for a second, 4 for a third, 3 for highly-commended and 2 for commended entries. All other entries will be awarded 1 point.
A record of marks attained will be kept and at the end of the season a total will be calculated for each member in each category. Where a club member has acted as an internal judge during the season, and was therefore not able to submit entries, for that competition he/she will be awarded the average of marks obtained over the remainder of the season”.
Trophies will be awarded annually for the highest total marks in each category, i.e.
Club Member - DPI
Advanced Member - DPI
Combined - Prints
Section C). Annual Competitions.
DPI entries will be accepted and judged in two sections, Club member and Advanced Member. Prints are judged as a combined class. Each member may submit a maximum of three prints and three projected digital images in each competition. Entries may be in colour or monochrome for either category.
Prints and projected digital images which have been entered for monthly competitions may be entered for one annual competition. No entry shall be submitted in more than one annual competition.
Entries will be marked by the Judge as first, second, third, highly commended and commended.
Trophies will be awarded to the winning Club Member and Advanced Member for DPI's and for the Combined Print competition, with the proviso that no trophy will be awarded unless there are at least two members with entries in the relevant category.
Appendix A). DPI Entries.
DPI entries should be sized to a maximum of 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high. Any aspect ratio can be used providing these maximum sizes are not exceeded, so images should be:
1600 pixels wide and any height up to 1200 pixels, or
1200 pixels high and any width up to 1600 pixels
Please note that entries in portrait format must still not exceed 1200 pixels high.
Layered images should be flattened before saving to jpeg.
Each image should have a file name in the following format.
Title then Photographer.jpeg
e.g. Dales Sunrise Fred Bloggs.jpeg
Judges will be instructed to view a set of competition images in ascending number sequence. Individual images will be randomized and presented to judges in a random order, with user’s names anonymous to the judge.
01 City Street.jpeg
02 Grinton Moor.jpeg
03 Retreating Bison.jpeg
Entries can be brought to club competition entry nights on a memory-stick or CD for copying, or (preferred method) by emailing to the DPI competition secretary. Any entries arriving after the scheduled entry date will not be accepted.