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October 2015 Advanced Class Print 


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118  Perfect Love - Copy.jpg

1st Place - "Perfect Love" by Jane Morris Abson LRPS DPAGB EFIAP

2nd Place - "Almost Home" by Colin Fieldgate
3rd Place - "Moonlit Cosmos" by Paul Clark
117  Almost Home - Copy.jpg
116  Moonlit Cosmos - Copy.jpg
Highly Commended - "Deer in the Mist"
by Geoff Freeman
Highly Commended - "On the Water"
by Trevor Woods
112 Deer in the mist - Copy.jpg
113 On the Water - Copy.jpg
Highly Commended - "Bird on a Prickle"
by Trevor Lane
Commended - "Dead Eyed Luke"
by Sue White BPE3*
114 Bird on a Prickle. - Copy.JPG
109  Dead Eyed Luke - Copy.jpg
Commended - "Moulting"
by David Boath
Commended - "The Holy River of St Paulinus"
by Dave Goulding
110 Moulting - Copy.jpg
111  The Holy River of St Paulinus. - Copy.jpg
Commended - "Barn Owl"
by Jane Morris Abson LRPS DPAGB EFIAP
108 Barn Owl - Copy.jpg
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