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Annual Competition 2023 Advanced Class DPI 

First Place
"Carrot Stretch" by Sue White BPE1*

110 Carrot Stretch S Whte FIRST. copy.jpg

Second Place
"Watching Me, Watching You, Watching Me" by
Martin Vickerman

Third Place
"Tulip" by Jane Morris Abson LRPS CPAGB EFIAP

109 Watching Me Watching You Watching Me -M Vickerman Second copy.jpg
108  Tulip J Abson Third copy.jpg

Highly Commended
"Delicate Landing" by Sean Barker

107  Delicate landing Sean Barker H Comm copy.jpg

Highly Commended
"Returned to Shore" by Trevor Lane

Highly Commended
"Soaring" by Chris Houghton

106 Soaring - C Houghton  H Comm copy.jpg

"Above Old Man of Storr for Sunrise" by
John Gilbert

104 Returned to shore. T Lane Comm copy.jpg
103 Above Old Man of Storr for Sunrise  J Gilbert Comm copy.jpg

"Liverpool Panorama" by Geoff Freeman

105 Liverpool panorama -G Freeman Comm copy.jpg

Annual Competition 2023 Club Class DPI

First Place
"Culloden Tower.  The Battle of Mist at Sunrise" by Dave Goulding

28  Culloden Tower. The Battle of Mist at Sunrise. D Goulding First copy.jpg

Second Place
"Boys and their Phones" by Malcolm Radford

Third Place
"The Nave" by Paul Newbury

27  Boys and thier phones - M Radford Second copy.jpg

Highly Commended
"On Pointe" by Nick White

25 On Pointe - N White H Comm copy.jpg

"Magic Mushroom" by Dave Smith

22 Magic Mushroom D Smith Comm copy.jpg
26 The Nave P Newbury Third copy.jpg

Highly Commended
"A Starling shaped Murmuration" by Dave Goulding

24 A Starling Shaped Murmuration. D Goulding  H Comm copy.jpg

"Winging It" by Dave Smith

23  Winging it D Smith Comm copy.jpg

Annual Competition 2023 Combined Print Class 

First Place
"Liverpool Cranes and Masts" by Geoff Freeman

25 Liverpool cranes copy.jpg

2nd Place
"Llandudno Pier" by Geoff Freeman

31 Llandudno Pier copy.jpg

Highly Commended
"Home before the Rain" by Trevor Lane

Home before the rain copy.jpg

Highly Commended*
"Hartley View" by Nick Browne LRPS

17 Hartley View copy.jpg

"The Gardener" by Jane Morris Abson

10 The Gardener copy.jpg

3rd Place
"Sunset over Blackhall Rocks" by Martin Nunn

26 Sunset over Blackhall Rocks copy.jpg

Highly Commended
"Jump to the Beat" by Judith Henley

6 Jump to the Beat .jpg

"Moss and Mushroom" by Nick Browne LRPS

7 Moss and Mushroom copy.jpg

"Aqualegia" by David Boath

22 Aqualegia copy.jpg

"Gannet with Seagrass" by Jane Morris Abson

16 Gannet with Seagrass copy.jpg
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