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October 2015 Advanced Class Print 


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97  The Uprising - Copy copy.jpg

1st Place - "The Uprising" by Sue White BPE2*

2nd Place - "Stopping for a Chat"
by Jane Morris Abson LRPS DPAGB EFIAP
3rd Place - "Perfect Love" by Nick White
95 Stopping for a Chat - Copy copy.jpg
94 Perfect Love - Copy copy.jpg
Highly Commended - "Dusted" by Pauline Pentony
Highly Commended - "The Music of Time"
by David Boath
93  Dusted - Copy copy.jpg
Commended - "Female Kingfisher"
by Sue White BPE2*
92  The Music of Time - Copy copy.jpg
Commended - "Goth with Iguana" by Geoff Freeman
91 Female Kingfisher - Copy copy.jpg
90 Goth with Iguana - Copy copy.jpg
Commended - "In Captivity" by Martin Vickerman
Commended - "Maple Red" by John Gilbert
89  In Capivity - Copy copy.jpg
88 Maple Red - Copy.jpg
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