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October 2015 Advanced Class Print 


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73  Three Daschunds - Copy copy.jpg

1st Place - "Three Daschunds" by Chris Houghton

2nd Place - "Mac Arthur Bridge, Miami" by Ian Bowden
3rd Place - "Carrot Stretch" by Sue White BPE1*
72 Mac Arthur Bridge - Miami - Copy copy.jpg
71 Carrot Stretch - Copy copy.jpg
Highly Commended - "All Dressed Up" by Judith Henley
Highly Commended - "Through the looking glass" by Judith Henley
69 All Dressed Up - Copy copy.jpg
Commended - "Falls Road, Belfast" by David Boath
70  Through The Looking Glass - Copy copy.jpg
Commended - "Early Light" by John Gilbert
66 Falls_Road, Belfast - Copy copy.jpg
67  Early Light - Copy copy.jpg
Commended - "Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, Dallas, Texas" by Ian Bowden
68 Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge - Dallas - Texas copy.jpg
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